Zoom Room Setup
From IT Public Wiki
Revision as of 11:16, 27 August 2024 by Seth.seastrum (Talk | contribs)
General Knowledge
- The settings for the meeting use the Owners settings.
- The room has its own account
- There are many ways to set up a zoom room session
- Online Learning has produced a tutorial video that can be accessed here:
The settings for the meeting use the Owners settings.
- Everyone that is granted a Zoom license has default settings, some of these settings are able to be changed.
- Things like content share and participant mute are items that the individual has control over and can change.
- One way that settings can be adjusted is by signing into the following: https://baycollege.zoom.us/profile . On the left of the page, select the tab 'Settings' AND in the top center of the page select 'Meeting'. See picture below:
The room has its own account
- The rooms are in outlook as:
- cb225-rm@baycollege.edu : CB 225
- ms124-rm@baycollege.edu : MS 124
- ms125-rm@baycollege.edu : MS 125
- wc104-rm@baycollege.edu : Fornetti Hall
- wc107-rm@baycollege.edu : WC 107
- wc115-rm@baycollege.edu : WC 115
- wc244-rm@baycollege.edu : WC 244
- The room will START the meeting regardless if you are there or not
- You can start the meeting early by pressing the start button or by saying 'Hello Zoom, join meeting'
- The meeting will STOP according to the scheduled time
There are many ways to set up a zoom room session
- You will need your zoom meeting invitation details to set up the meeting
- You will use your outlook calendar to invite the room and other participants to your meeting
- In an effort to catch all scenarios, this way will work whether you are on or off campus: on or off network
- Step 1: Schedule the meeting in Zoom
- Log into the https://baycollege.zoom.us/profile
- Click Meetings
- Click Schedule a Meeting
- Add a Topic eg: ENG 101 01 90 - Zoom Meeting
- Fill in appropriate fields for recurring
- Advised to select the Waiting Room option
- Advised to expand Options and enable 'Mute participants upon entry' option
- Press Save
- You will need to view the meeting settings and capture:
- Meeting ID
- Invite Link
- Recommended that you use the 'Copy Link' to populate the body of the Outlook meeting
Example of the Zoom invitation
- Step 2: Schedule the meeting in Outlook
- Log into outlook on the web https:https://outlook.office.com/mail/
- Find the word 'New' and use the drop down to select 'Calendar event'
- Paste Invite Link into the area named 'Add a location or a room'
- htps://baycollege.zoom.us/j/NUMBERS?pwd=AlphaNumericGarblyGook
- Fill in the rest of the meeting invite as appropriate and press 'Send'
Example of the calendar invite