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This page will show users how to operate the video conferencing unit in room 963 at Bay College. If you need assistance with this room, please contact one of Bay College's IT Helpdesks:

For assistance please contact either IT Help Desk:
Location: Escanaba JHUC 908M
Phone: 906.217.4025
Email: ithelp@baycollege.edu

Location: Iron Mountain Help Desk
Phone: 906.302.3025
Email: ithelp@baycollege.edu


Powering on Room 963

1. To power up the ITV System in room 963, first locate the Polycom cart and remotes in the room.


2. Once the remotes have been located press the power on button on both of them.


3. After booting up the past the Polycom logo the TV should display the home tab .


Placing a Call

4. To place a call use the arrows on the Polycom remote to select either "Place a Call" or "Directory". It is recommended for calls between campuses to select Directory as it will already contain all ITV room addresses.

5. Once Directory has been selected, the following menu will open. From here select favorites and pick which room or location you would like to connect to.


6. If you needed to connect to more than one address while you are in a call just click the menu button and select "Place a Call" or "Favorites". With this method you can add 3 other locations for a total of 4. After you have completed your call simply hold the power button for a few seconds on the Polycom remote and a "No Signal" should show on the TV. This indicates that the Polycom has been shut down and you can now turn off the TVs and projectors.


Projecting Content

While in a call you can send content to a remote system by selecting the content button on the remote.

Moving the Camera

You can easily move the cameras to better adjust the view without having to move the equipment. Here are the steps in order to do this:

1. Once the ITV equipment is powered on make sure your screen is blank. Hit the back button on the remote if necessary.

2. You can then use the arrows on the remote to pan the camera in the direction of your choosing. You can also click the "Far" button to select another camera in call to move the camera they have set up if applicable. If you have more than one connected call just hit the "Far" button to cycle to the camera of your choosing.