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This page will show users how to operate the video conferencing unit in IM107. If you need assistance with this room, please contact one of Bay College's IT Helpdesks:

For assistance please contact either IT Help Desk:
Location: Escanaba JHUC 908M
Phone: 906.217.4025

Location: Iron Mountain Help Desk
Phone: 906.302.3025


The first step to turning on the equipment in the room, is to use the wall plate controller next to the phone. The controller buttons are labeled according to what they control in the room:


Button 1: Front Projector On

Button 2: Back Projector On

Button 3: Front Projector Off

Button 4: Back Projector Off

Button 5: Front Projector displays ThinkSmart content and the back displays the call video

Button 6: Displays local workstation on both screens

Button 7: Displays “Bring your own device” HDMI cable content (cable is located on top of the podium)

Button 8: Front Projector displays video and the back displays ThinkSmart Hub 500 video content

Once you have turned on the screens you want, you will need to use the Lenovo ThinkSmart Hub in order to call a room or Skype for Business user. First, locate the Hub next to the podium. The Hub should detect you and wake up (If it doesn’t, you can double-tap the touchscreen and it will start). From here you will have three options: New Meeting, Present, and Invite this room.


In order to make a new call, you will want to select the “New Meeting” option and from here start typing in the name of the room or individual you would like to contact. Please note that you will only be able to call users that have a Bay College Skype for Business account and ITV rooms on campus (see below),


Bay College ITV rooms:

Besse Theater:

CB 225:

JHUC 963:

MS 124:

MS 125:

IM 104:

IM 107:

IM 108:

IM 115:

IM 244:

SC 525:

After finding the room or individual you want to call, select the “Invite” button and the ThinkSmart will start calling out. Once the call is connected, you will see this summery view with four different tabs on the touchscreen:


The “Participants” tab will show who is in the call and you can also invite others to join with the “Add Participants” button. The “Conversation” tab will show any text entered messages from all Skype for Business users who are currently connect in call. The “Content” tab is used to push the local workstation AV to the ThinkSmart and the “Dial Pad” is used to make calls similar to a touch-dial phone but is not used by the College at this time. Other options that are consistent on each tab are the volume slider, the Camera toggle, the Microphone toggle, the Content toggle, and the End call button.

The “Content” tab is where you will be able to control what is seen in the call. You can also choose to show content only locally if you select the “Content” toggle and select the “HDMI” box above the “Camera” toggle.


Speaking of the “Camera” toggle, you can use this to select which camera is being used during a call. The two cameras connected are “HuddlecamHD” (which is viewing the instructor and the board) and the “Logitech Webcam C930e” (which is viewing the students in the room). You can also mute the camera if the need arises.

It is also important to note that the while the HuddlecamHD has Pan-Tilt-Zoom capabilities (PTZ), the Logitech Webcam C930e is in a fixed position and cannot be moved.


To control the HuddlecamHD camera view, you will need to use the presets on the remote by selecting the number and the “call” button. Here are the current presets for MS 125:

Preset 1: Podium and first board

Preset 2: Projector screen

Preset 3: Second board

Preset 4: First board and projector screen

Preset 5: Second board and projector screen

Preset 6: All boards

Preset 7: Smart board

Preset 8: Periodic table

You can also use the arrows keys to move it manually

If a document is needed to be displayed, you will need to use the “Hovercam Flex11” app on the local workstation. Once the application is open should immediately see the document camera view facing the green mat.

Ms125pic10.png Ms125pic11.png

You can change the view size by using the wheel on the camera or add additional light with the light settings slider.


If the document isn’t staying in focus or you would like to change the light balance, use the bottom toolbar and the “Adjustments” option to modify or lock these settings


Another feature of the application is the “KnoteSter” plugin (which is the orange circle with a stag). This plugin will allow you to use annotation tools digitally, instead of having to physically modify the document you have under the camera.
