Ethernet Connections in the Apartments

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You can connect your device with Ethernet in the apartments. Here are the steps to get it working.

  1. Fill out the Apartment Network Device form.
  2. Email this form to or turn it into the IT Help Desk - JHUC 908M.

Where do I find my device's Mac address?

You're looking for something that looks like FC:F1:52:C6:FC:6B

Sony Playstation 4

  1. Arrow up and over to the Settings in the PS4 menu.
  2. Scroll down to Network
  3. Scroll down to View Connection Status
  4. The Mac address will be the 12 digit hex code listed as MAC

Microsoft Xbox One

  1. Navigate to the Settings page
  2. Select Network
  3. Select Advanced Settings
  4. MAC address will be listed net to Wired Mac on the right-hand side of the screen.

Sony PS5:

  1. From the home screen, select the gear icon (settings) in the upper right
  2. Select System
  3. Select Console Information
  4. Note the MAC address (Wi-Fi) displayed at the bottom of the list

Xbox Series X or Series S

  1. Navigate to the Settings page.
  2. Select Network.
  3. Select Advanced Settings.
  4. Under IP settings, the MAC address will be listed next to Wired MAC and Wireless MAC on the right-hand side of the screen