Ethernet Connections in the Apartments
From IT Public Wiki
Revision as of 08:57, 2 November 2021 by Michael.klein (Talk | contribs)
You can connect your device with Ethernet in the apartments. Here are the steps to get it working.
- Fill out the Apartment Network Device form.
- Email this form to or turn it into the IT Help Desk - JHUC 908M.
Where do I find my device's Mac address?
You're looking for something that looks like FC:F1:52:C6:FC:6B
Sony Playstation 4
- Arrow up and over to the Settings in the PS4 menu.
- Scroll down to Network
- Scroll down to View Connection Status
- The Mac address will be the 12 digit hex code listed as MAC
Microsoft Xbox One
- Navigate to the Settings page
- Select Network
- Select Advanced Settings
- MAC address will be listed net to Wired Mac on the right-hand side of the screen.
Sony PS5:
- From the home screen, select the gear icon (settings) in the upper right
- Select System
- Select Console Information
- Note the MAC address (Wi-Fi) displayed at the bottom of the list
Xbox Series X or Series S
- Navigate to the Settings page.
- Select Network.
- Select Advanced Settings.
- Under IP settings, the MAC address will be listed next to Wired MAC and Wireless MAC on the right-hand side of the screen