Changing my Bay College password

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Below are the different ways to change your Bay College password.

Password icon.jpg

myBay Password Manager

  1. Navigate to MyBay.
  2. Click the Password Manager link on the left hand side.
  3. Type in your Username and Password on the top line and click Login.
  4. Click Change Password.
  5. Setting your new password requires the following:
Password Length 
Must be at least 8 characters.
Password Complexity 
Must include three out of the following four categories, uppercase letters (A-Z), lowercase letters (a-z), base 10 digits (0-9), or non-alphabetic (!, $, #, %). It cannot be any combination of your birth name or user ID. A sentence can serve as a password, these are often called passphrases and are typically easier to remember.
Password Lifecycle 
Passwords will be good for one year (365 days), after which they will need to be changed. Passwords cannot be reused until after 10 password changes.
Password Storage 
Passwords are to be used and stored in a secure manner, passwords are not to be written down or stored electronically unless in a program specifically designed for securing passwords and in of itself protected with a password.

On a Bay College computer

If you are on a campus computer you can also press CTRL+ALT+DEL and click Change Password.