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413C lab.JPG

This page will show users how to operate the video conferencing unit in BHAT 413C.

For assistance please contact either IT Help Desk:
Location: Escanaba JHUC 908M
Phone: 906.217.4025

Location: Iron Mountain Help Desk
Phone: 906.302.3025


The video conferencing system in room 413C is controlled via the Lenovo PC at the instructors station. This station is adjacent to the long workbench in the front of the classroom.

Powering on Room 413C

The computer allows for on or off campus calls utilizing Skype for Business, or Zoom. To get the equipment working, confirm that the computer is on and that the camera light is currently "blue". If the camera light is yellow, you will need to use the remote and hit the "Power" button for the camera to turn on. Once the PC is turned on and you are signed in, Skype for Business should automatically launch but Zoom will require you to navigate to Bay College Web Conferencing and sign into the webclient. If you have not yet already set up a Zoom user account please follow the steps on the wiki here: Zoom

Setting up Skype

While calling someone or a room in Skype is straightforward, you may have to make some setting changes to make sure the correct AV equipment is being used for the call. In order to do this you will need to select the "Options" gear symbol and then select the "Audio Device" tab. The speakers should be set to "Realtek" and the Microphone should be set to "Behringer". Under the "Video Device" tab, you will have to select the "Huddlecam" option. If for any reason one or more of these options doesn't show up, please contact the IT dept.

Making a Skype call

You can easily call a Bay College staff member or student by typing in their email in the address bar and selecting "Call with Video". If the event you wish to call an ITV room, you will have to look up the name of that room on the wiki under the Videoconference tab. The process will be the same but certain rooms will have to turned on in person before attempting the call.

Using the Huddlecam

When using any videoconferencing software, the default camera should be the 10X Huddlecam on the ceiling of the classroom near the projector. Should you want to change the direction or zoom of the camera, you can follow these steps: Locate the remote and make sure the camera is powered on (the camera will have a blue light on the front). If the camera is not powered on simply press the "Power" button and give the camera a few seconds to initialize. Once the camera is on, under the "Camera Select" press the number 1 button. Once the camera is selected you can either use the navigation arrow buttons to move the camera view or select one of three presets. In order to use a preset just press the number button followed by the "Call" button. The #1 preset is the podium, #2 is the whiteboard, #3 is the waterbath, #4 is the TOC analyzer, #5 is the Titrator scale/pH meter, #6 is the incubator, and #7 is the autoclave.

You can also create new presets if the ones available don't fit your teaching style. To create a new preset press the number you want (you can also go into double digits) and press the "Set" button. Please be aware not to override any previously created defaults as this could interfere with other instructors ability to teach their course!