Add a Trusted Location to Office

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Note: This procedure works for most Office programs.
This process should only be done with the assistance of the IT Department

Rules for Use

  1. Never select a whole drive (C:, M:, a departmental drive, etc.) as a Trusted Location.
  2. Trusted Locations should be specific folders (i.e. C:\Users\Sample.User\Temp\Trusted).
  3. This folder is a location where the user will MANUALLY move attachments THEY HAVE VERIFIED TO BE REAL BEFORE OPENING THEM.

Add a Trusted Location to Word

  1. Click File > Options.
  2. Click Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Trusted Locations.
  3. Click Add new location.
  4. Click Browse to find the folder, select a folder, and then click OK.

For more information see the Microsoft Support article here: Add, remove, or change a trusted location