Screenshots in Windows
From IT Public Wiki
This page will list the various ways you can take a screenshots using a Windows computer.
Fullscreen Screenshots
- You can simply press the Print Screen (Prt Sc) on your keyboard and paste it into a document. (this will give you a screenshot of all your monitors)
- Hold the Windows key and press Print Screen (Prt Sc) (this will take a screenshot of all monitors and save the file in a folder called "Screenshots" in your Pictures directory.
Individual Window Screenshots
- Select the windows you would like a screenshot of, hold down the ALT key and press Print Screen (PrtSc) (this will give you a screenshot of that individual windows in which you can paste into a document)
Snipping Tool
Windows has a built-in program for taking screenshots called the Snipping Tool. This tool lets you select exactly which part of the screen you would like a screenshot of. You can find the program by searching the start menu for "snipping tool"
- Once you have the Snipping Tool open, you can simply press New to start the screenshot.
- You'll click and drag your mouse to select the portion of the screen you want a screenshot of.
- You can also click the drop-down to select the different type of snips, as shown in the photo below.
- After the screenshot is taken the program lets you draw, highlight, copy, and email.