Screenshots in Windows

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This page will list the various ways you can take a screenshots using a Windows computer.

Fullscreen Screenshots

  1. You can simply press the Print Screen (Prt Sc) on your keyboard and paste it into a document. (this will give you a screenshot of all your monitors)
  2. Hold the Windows key and press Print Screen (Prt Sc) (this will take a screenshot of all monitors and save the file in a folder called "Screenshots" in your Pictures directory.
Windows and PRT SC keys on keyboard

Individual Window Screenshots

  1. Select the windows you would like a screenshot of, hold down the ALT key and press Print Screen (PrtSc) (this will give you a screenshot of that individual windows in which you can paste into a document)
ALT and PRT SC keys on keyboard

Snipping Tool

Windows has a built-in program for taking screenshots called the Snipping Tool. This tool lets you select exactly which part of the screen you would like a screenshot of. You can find the program by searching the start menu for "snipping tool"

  1. Once you have the Snipping Tool open, you can simply press New to start the screenshot.
  2. You'll click and drag your mouse to select the portion of the screen you want a screenshot of.
  3. You can also click the drop-down to select the different type of snips, as shown in the photo below.
Snipping Tool
  • After the screenshot is taken the program lets you draw, highlight, copy, and email.
Snipping Tool pen and highlighter