Retrieving an ALEKS Score

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This page will show users how to access student placement scores within ALEKS.

  1. Navigate and login to the ALEKS website. Be sure to use the score retrieval username.
  2. Once the ALEKS page loads, select the appropriate cohort in the drop-down box. Then enter in the student name and click on the appropriate student.

  3. The student's ALEKS placement dashboard loads. Verify the student's ID number by clicking on the account summary.

  4. The student information page is displayed. After verifying the student ID, click the dashboard button on the top left.

  5. The student's score is located in the full report. Click on the link to view the report.

  6. Below is an example of the student's full report. The report can be downloaded as a PDF for easier printing.

  7. Log out of ALEKS when you are done.