Adobe Creative Cloud Application

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Sign-in is a requirement of Adobe's new licensing model and cannot be changed or controlled by the IT Department.

Signing In to Adobe Creative Cloud App

  1. Click on the Creative Cloud App icon in the lower right hand corner of the Task Bar (Windows) or in the upper right of the Menu Bar (macOS)

    CC App MenuBar.png
  2. Sign in using the process detailed here: Logging into Adobe Creative Cloud
  3. Once you are in the main screen, scroll until you find the application you want and Click Open
    1. You may also Update and Install applications in the same manner
    2. There are two categories of applications: Installed and Included in your Subscription
      1. Installed are already on your computer and ready to go
      2. Included in your Subscription are other Creative Cloud apps that you can install if you wish (Lab computers have all apps installed by default)
    3. You do not need admin access to install
    CC App MainScreen.png